A complete guide to freezing food: What you can and can’t put in the freezer

A complete guide to freezing food What you can and can't put in the freezer

Can you freeze any food ?

Actually, most of food items can be put in the refrigerator. However, not all of them will keep their freshness and nutrients. For example, some plant foods such as legumes and some grains can be frozen, but will lose most of their minerals during the process. Other foods can be preserved but still contain more nutrients than others.

For effective freezing you will first need to make sure that the food is clean and doesn’t have any moisture. Also make sure you know what is going into the food’s container before you freeze it. Be sure everything is clean. In addition, before you begin to freeze any food, make sure that it has been stored at room temperature to promote longer storage.

Which foods do not freeze well ?

A complete guide to freezing food What you can and can't put in the freezer

Here are some foods that you should not freeze :

  • Alcoholic beverages

You shouldn’t freeze alcohol because they spoil very easily. They tend to turn a green color when they are exposed to cold air. Any kind of alcohol should be rinsed out immediately after use. You should never prepare a drink with an open can or bottle of it. Once they have been stored for an extended period of time, they lose their pleasant flavor and aroma.

  • Garlic

This food item tends to go bad if left on ice. Even if you thaw it, you won’t like what comes out at the end of the day. In fact, if you eat too much frozen garlic, you could wind up with an adverse reaction that could make you sick. For this reason, don’t leave garlic in the refrigerator.

  • Raw Eggs

Yes, even raw eggs should not be frozen because of the salmonella that can be present. Raw eggs will have an unpleasant smell and taste if left in the fridge and you definitely don’t want any of that going on in your stomach. If you plan to buy the raw variety from the store, make sure that you read the label first and make sure thatyou store it in room temperature.

  • Fruits and vegetables

While frozen fruits vegetables are certainly good to have on hand, you should keep them in Tupperware containers that are airtight to ensure that they are not exposed to moisture for too long. However, for fresh fruits and veggies, they are better conserved in room temperature.

  • Dairy products

This includes cheese, milk and yogurt. Again, as long as the milk and other dairy products are stored safely in a container that is airtight, you should be able to eat them as long as you do not let them freeze dry.

These are just a few of the foods that you should not freeze because they are known to lose all their nutrients, smell, and taste. Some may be even dangerous to eat if they are frozen for too long.

What foods can be frozen and reheated ?

A complete guide to freezing food What you can and can't put in the freezer

Eating the wrong kind of food can lead to sickness. Let’s take a look at a few frozen foods that can be reheated and learn how to do so safely.

Some frozen foods that can be reheated include foods such as vegetable sticks, peas, rice, pasta and beef. These can all be microwaved without any problem. However, when it comes to preparing these foods in the microwave oven, you need to be extremely careful and ensure that you are using the lowest temperature possible to ensure the best result for these food items.

One of the most popular frozen foods that can be reheated is turkey. Turkey can be easily prepared by cooking it in some liquid like water or stock. Microwave reheating would be ideal for this since the juices don’t lose its nutrients when they are cooked through in water or stock. Just make sure that you have cooked the meat through and not just raw. Raw foods aren’t as good for you to reheat and this can prevent any sickness or disease from developing.

To safely reheat foods, it’s important to use very clean microwave ovens. You should only use those that were made for food items and not regular household appliances. These microwaves should be free from any dust or grime. You would also want to avoid placing the food item directly onto the heating element.
