When talking about healthy cooking and eating, one of the biggest concerns is the use of plastic containers. There are many health concerns about the impact of plastics on our health and the environment. Plastic containers are the containers used when food is stored, packaged, or sold. Plastic can leach into our food if we are not careful.
What is leaching?
Leaching is when something toxic is absorbed into the food. For example, plastic containers used to store foods can Leach BPA (Bisphenol A), which is a known carcinogen. Leaching is most likely to occur during storage. Food that sat around in the store for a long period of time before being purchased may have leached BPA.
Another concern is the leach break. The longer food sits in storage, the more opportunity there is for a leach to breakthrough. This can be dangerous because, during cooking, any chemicals can contaminate the food. During storage, it is much easier for a leach to break through and get into the food. Also, if the food is not processed right away, the leach breaks right along with it. This means that all the bacteria that were in the leach will be released into the food.
Can preservation tray contribute to botulism?
Botulism is caused by exposure to food. It is a condition where the digestive system does not work properly and food is ingested into the body. This can occur when the food is stored in plastic containers or preservation tray. Over time, repeated exposure to stored food can cause botulism.
How about BPA?
The amount of BPA in plastic depends on how thick it is but most experts agree that a small amount is harmful to your health. Leach is the general term used for any toxin that is introduced to the water or food we eat. This is a microscopic substance that can attach to and contaminate any type of food or liquid. This means that even if you think you’ve removed all traces of the harmful toxin it may still be present. So don’t assume that you have completely removed it from your food because it will still be there in tiny amounts.
We may never know what it is or what it does. However, there is some concern about it. It is suspected that it may contribute to the increase in certain types of cancers. Since most plastics are made with BPA, the consumption of it may contribute to a woman’s risk of breast cancer.
So, how are plastic containers safe for our food?
They are not really safe. You want to believe that the plastic that is used in most cans and other food containers doesn’t contain anything harmful. But, that is not true. Even if the leach break does not make it into your food, the tiny leach particles can contaminate the rest of the food.
The only safe way to store food is the natural one. That means no can, plastic, or metal. Then, you need to make sure the food is stored in a glass container. If you do not do this, then food that sits for months may have bacteria or parasites that are not killed by heat or air.
How to safely store food?
What we found to be the best solution for how to tell if the container you’re using is safe for our food was to check with a company that is recognized as a leader in the industry. That way, you will be sure that the plastic containers you are using will not contribute to the health problems so many people are facing. You will not find bacteria, mold or other diseases in them. Your health is important and you need to protect it. There is no better way than to use those products that are specifically made for use with foods that can be eaten.
Another way to really know how safe a product is for us is to do the proper research and find out what other people have to say about a certain product. If you buy soup that says it’s safe to eat with a trace amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus you better search those labels again because it probably contains phthalates. That’s right, phthalates are the culprit in the majority of foodborne illness cases.