Kitchen: 8 tips for better organization


They say that the kitchen is the heart of homes. In addition to preparing food, we can choose to make it the space where we take meals, a high place of socialization. There are so many movements and life in a kitchen can quickly turn into chaos. This makes it difficult to have exactly what you are looking for when you are looking for it – where is that spice? How to make dishes easily accessible while protecting them? Where to store accessories that you don’t use every day? To keep your kitchen from perpetually messy and to make your life easier, we’ve put together some tips that should help you organize your kitchen optimally, so you can focus on more important things (like eating).

1. Do a big spring cleaning

Just like in a wardrobe, it is fashionable to do a little spring cleaning every now and then. Indeed, you will be surprised to find that you have kept things for many years that you have never used. Make room! This will allow you to have a better overview. Come on, be honest: when was the last time you used that popcorn maker or that old tea set you found in a secondhand store? Do you really need four different types of curry when it’s far from the staple of your diet? This is the first step: throw away, give away, to make room for the things that you really use.

2. Replace and repair

The same goes for things that are damaged or do not work properly. The saucepan with the broken handle, the scratched frying pan, the kettle full of limestone, the blocked pipe: we repair what can be repaired, we throw away what is out of use and we buy high-performance equipment.

3. Logical storage

To be fast and efficient in a kitchen, it is important that everything has a logical place. For example, it would be handy to place the dishes and cutlery that you use every day near the dishwasher or your sink, so that everything can be stored easily. Likewise, pots, pans and cooking utensils will be placed near spices and baking sheets for greater efficiency. Finally, we will put the tea towels and cleaning products near the sink.

4. Safety first

Most household accidents take place in the kitchen and it’s no wonder. Knives, mixers and other household appliances are potential dangers, especially when used in a rush or in a moment of inattention: an unpleasant injury quickly happens. To avoid this, it is therefore important to secure these devices. To do this, we place the knives in wooden blocks provided for this purpose or in a well protected drawer and we ensure that the electrical devices are kept away from heat or a source of water.

5. Store food properly

When we say cuisine, the first word that surely comes to mind is: food! And we have to put it away, this food. Of course, some foods are automatically placed in the refrigerator but you can opt for other storage options for things like pasta, rice, flour, fruit or preserves, which need to be in. a dry place while being easily and quickly accessible. The easiest way is to have cupboards or shelves. Fruits can be placed in baskets, which you can slide out from racks, as shown in this photo .    

6. Storage drawers

We can give great advice on storage and organization, we are the first to find ourselves with little things that we never use but that we cannot throw away: rubber bands, screws, straws, spare parts, cookbooks… It is therefore essential to have a few drawers in your kitchen that will accommodate these precious little things. In order to maintain some semblance of control, you will be advised to buy small compartments or plastic boxes, which you can sort more easily.

7. Eliminate the paperwork

Yes, sometimes we put the mail on the kitchen table or have bills lying around on the fridge. But the paperwork has nothing to do in this room: scattering is the best way to lose everything. Mail, newspapers, catalogs, shopping lists, greeting cards, recipes… it all ends up on higher and higher piles that you never look at and takes up precious space. Why not buy a large blackboard where you can write down your recipes to test and your groceries to buy? The rest of the paperwork can disappear in a drawer or be stored in another room.


8. Always a sponge in hand





Take our word for it: it’s a lot easier to clean a little bit every day than it is to find yourself having to do a huge top-to-bottom cleaning every month. As soon as you have finished eating, wipe the table with a sponge. A little brushing every two days makes the space much more pleasant. And when you feel motivated, indulge in a dusting session. In short, by doing small tasks every day, you will have the impression of living in a space that is always clean and doing less.